Please see below for a small selection of some of my pop-art paintings. I paint in oil and I use the human body as the main element in my
Please enjoy viewing my collection of original paintings! Your feedback is much appreciated!
Thank you!
EN - With his accurate and balanced brush on the canvas, Adnan Yalım has recreated the women who were sold in slave markets just for pence in the middle of 19th Century!
DE - Mit seinem akkuraten und ausgewogenen Pinsel auf der Leinwand hat Adnan Yalım, die Frauen, die in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts auf Sklavenmärkten für nur wenig Geld verkauft wurden, neu erstellt!
TR - Adnan Yalım, tuvalı üzerinde gezdirdiği isabetli ve dengeli fırçasıyla, daha XIX. yüzyılın ortalarına dek, köle pazarlarında okkayla satılan kadınları yeniden yaratmıştır!